Friday, July 27, 2012

7/28 Waked up and it's hottttttttttt(&humid)

Hello Blog readers, this is Yuuki from the AGAPE 2012 mission team!!

Here in Japan it is really hot and humid. In the morning the room we were staying in was cold because of the air conditioning, but when we walked out of the room it was very hot and humid. It is wonderful what God has planned for us on this team. The people here are really nice here. Gladly, most of us don't have severe jetlag. 

For breakfast, we ate cereal and croissant. People liked the japanese taste of the food, mostly milk products like milk and yogurt. They were very sweet. Jon really loved it. 

After breakfast, we had our meeting explaining about the trip and the VBS. 

After, we ate great home-made yakisoba and it was delicious! They gave us costco cakes and we were full, but just in time, Minemura-san came and visit us for a while with delicious large cups of jello that tasted like tangerines and soda. After, we went to Itoyokado (a Japanese department store) to buy skit props and saw lots of interesting products. Jon and I bought skin-care products. Fiona was interested with Disney products she saw and the boys were interested at the shaking-mechanical pencils and toilet bags for emergency use (like in traffic). After we bought what stuff we need for the skit, we went back to Koganei Church and we are making our props (right now
as I'm writing this) while we wait for our home stays. Sadly, my home stay changed because my original home stay person's mom feels sick. So, I want to pray for her healing. Later when the sun goes down, we are going to a Maturi (a Japanese traditional festival) near Koganei and the team is really excited for it. Conner is because it's his first time. I hope the team will have fun later in the day. Praise the Lord for us because from tomorrow, it will be really busy.

Thank you for reading this looooooooooong blog


Amy said...

Awesome to hear about your day. Praying for your team and the vbs program. Enjoy the sounds and food at the Matsuri, I hope there is taiko :). Cheers!

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