Friday, July 27, 2012

The Longest Flight...

After much preparation for the trip we were finally able to leave to Japan. Many of the the members from Peninsula came to say goodbye, definitely a bitter sweet moment for the team. 


    After a ridiculously long airplane ride we have finally arrived in Japan. We were so relieved to be able to get off the plane and walk again, but that relief was consumed by the humidity as well as the 90 degree weather. Walking out of the gate we were greeted by many new and old faces from Japan. Soon after the greetings we were on our way to dinner and the church. Our first meal in Japan was definitely one to remember. We had some of the best ramen that the team ever had. 


     At night we were all very exhausted and very jet lagged. Many of us woke up four or five times in the middle of the night but in the end we were all rejuvenated from well needed rest. I am so excited to see what God has in store for the team. Before the trip started I honestly was not that excited and more worried about little things but being here for a day and half has definitely encouraged me. Seeing old faces and how excited they
 were to see us definitely radiated 
to the entire team. 


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