Sunday, July 29, 2012

     Japan is so Fun!!!!!  I am having an amazing time and for the short time that i have been here i have really felt the presence of the Lord upon us. On Saturday night we had an opportunity to go to a home stay.  I was really nervous because most of us were at different houses but Jon and Fiona were at the same house as me.  The Family was so generous and i am so thankful that i was with this family.  They cooked us very good food and the best part was they had an air conditioned house. I was so amazed because the daughter went to church when she usually doesn't go! Praise the lord for that one!!!!!
      The highlight of the trip was going to the Matsuri Festival which is a Japanese Festival that is usually held in the summer time. Luckily enough we had the chance to go.  There was lots of dancing, good food and a time where we got to see part of the Japanese Culture.  I really enjoyed my time there and we had the opportunity to bond with the team and also our home stay's. The best part by far was that i had the chance to dress up!  Our home stay provided us with beautiful Yukata's!  I felt so attached to the culture!  Definitely a great and amazing time.

Lastly Sunday morning during service i had the chance to share my testimony.  It was really difficult for me to speak in front of people who didn't understand me but thank goodness had my wonderful translator Yuuki. I had bunch of people come up to me and tell me that my testimony was very touching which was very encouraging.  I had a great time interacting with the people of the church and making lots of new friends! Cant wait to see what God has in store for us
                                                             -CONNOR UOMOTO


NeoZeoOne said...

Any Justin Bieber shoutouts Connor? I'm glad you guys are having fun! We are all praying for you guys. Drink lots of liquid!

Toshimi said...

Keeping you guys in my prayers!

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