Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 1 of Yamanakako VBS!!!

Today was our first day of our VBS. We woke up early and ate breakfast as a team and prepared ourselves for the kids that were to come to the Koganei church. They slowly started to arrive and we greeted them with a warm welcome. At first however, the kids were very shy and they weren't communicating with us. They were more focused on either their family or their friends that they saw as they met at the Koganei church. But that was soon to change. As we all piled onto the bus, we said goodbye to all the parents and we were on our way to Mt. Yamanakako. We encountered some traffic, but that diminished as we got onto the freeway. At first we tried to communicate with the kids but they were still shy, but as soon as we got onto the freeway, we started to play games and we started to sing songs. This was the first true bonding experience for the mission team and the VBS kids. We had many laughs on the bus and the games were alot of fun. After the games we got to communicate with the kids some more. One kid in particular who stood out was very energetic. Her name was Ayaka and she was sitting at the back of the bus with myself, Sato, Yuuki, Jon, and Connor. She was very friendly and we had many great laughs. She gave Jon his new nickname which is "Towel-Man" because of his towel that he carried around his neck during the bus ride.
We made a quick rest stop and then we made our way to a beautiful garden and park. At the park we ate our lunches and we were able to play with the kids. What made this park so special was the miniature water attractions! (I dont really know what to call it though) We splashed each other until we were all soaking wet. Especially Yuuki who was dripping from head to toe. Literally. We had some time to dry off in the greenhouse which housed many beautiful plants, but with the heat in Japan and the greenhouse, it made the air even hotter so we quickly made our way out.

We hopped back on the bus and made our final approach to Mount Yamanakako. On our way we passed by Lake Yamanakako which reminded me so much of Lake Tahoe. It was gigantic, beautiful, and majestic; truly a sight to see. We arrived at the cabin that we were staying at which is named: Torchbearers. Yabana sensei said that they usually give a story about how it got the name Torchbearers , but we did not get to hear that this year so I am still wondering how it got its name. After we arrived, we got into our groups to prepare our skits to present to the camp. My group was all boys so as you can imagine, they were pretty rowdy but at the same time under control so they didnt tire us out. We then ate a delicious barbeque prepared for us by the Torchbearers staff who are all very nice people. After dinner we had a campfire as the mission team prepared games and songs for the campers to play and sing along to. We ended at 8 and we sent the kids to bed. So early i know! But they must get up at 6 in the morning! But so does the mission team and everyone else. Everyone is sleeping right now as I write this post, but now it is time to go to sleep. Goodnight and God Bless and thank you for your prayers!

~Justin Mao

Sunday, July 29, 2012

     Japan is so Fun!!!!!  I am having an amazing time and for the short time that i have been here i have really felt the presence of the Lord upon us. On Saturday night we had an opportunity to go to a home stay.  I was really nervous because most of us were at different houses but Jon and Fiona were at the same house as me.  The Family was so generous and i am so thankful that i was with this family.  They cooked us very good food and the best part was they had an air conditioned house. I was so amazed because the daughter went to church when she usually doesn't go! Praise the lord for that one!!!!!
      The highlight of the trip was going to the Matsuri Festival which is a Japanese Festival that is usually held in the summer time. Luckily enough we had the chance to go.  There was lots of dancing, good food and a time where we got to see part of the Japanese Culture.  I really enjoyed my time there and we had the opportunity to bond with the team and also our home stay's. The best part by far was that i had the chance to dress up!  Our home stay provided us with beautiful Yukata's!  I felt so attached to the culture!  Definitely a great and amazing time.

Lastly Sunday morning during service i had the chance to share my testimony.  It was really difficult for me to speak in front of people who didn't understand me but thank goodness had my wonderful translator Yuuki. I had bunch of people come up to me and tell me that my testimony was very touching which was very encouraging.  I had a great time interacting with the people of the church and making lots of new friends! Cant wait to see what God has in store for us
                                                             -CONNOR UOMOTO

Friday, July 27, 2012

7/28 Waked up and it's hottttttttttt(&humid)

Hello Blog readers, this is Yuuki from the AGAPE 2012 mission team!!

Here in Japan it is really hot and humid. In the morning the room we were staying in was cold because of the air conditioning, but when we walked out of the room it was very hot and humid. It is wonderful what God has planned for us on this team. The people here are really nice here. Gladly, most of us don't have severe jetlag. 

For breakfast, we ate cereal and croissant. People liked the japanese taste of the food, mostly milk products like milk and yogurt. They were very sweet. Jon really loved it. 

After breakfast, we had our meeting explaining about the trip and the VBS. 

After, we ate great home-made yakisoba and it was delicious! They gave us costco cakes and we were full, but just in time, Minemura-san came and visit us for a while with delicious large cups of jello that tasted like tangerines and soda. After, we went to Itoyokado (a Japanese department store) to buy skit props and saw lots of interesting products. Jon and I bought skin-care products. Fiona was interested with Disney products she saw and the boys were interested at the shaking-mechanical pencils and toilet bags for emergency use (like in traffic). After we bought what stuff we need for the skit, we went back to Koganei Church and we are making our props (right now
as I'm writing this) while we wait for our home stays. Sadly, my home stay changed because my original home stay person's mom feels sick. So, I want to pray for her healing. Later when the sun goes down, we are going to a Maturi (a Japanese traditional festival) near Koganei and the team is really excited for it. Conner is because it's his first time. I hope the team will have fun later in the day. Praise the Lord for us because from tomorrow, it will be really busy.

Thank you for reading this looooooooooong blog

The Longest Flight...

After much preparation for the trip we were finally able to leave to Japan. Many of the the members from Peninsula came to say goodbye, definitely a bitter sweet moment for the team. 


    After a ridiculously long airplane ride we have finally arrived in Japan. We were so relieved to be able to get off the plane and walk again, but that relief was consumed by the humidity as well as the 90 degree weather. Walking out of the gate we were greeted by many new and old faces from Japan. Soon after the greetings we were on our way to dinner and the church. Our first meal in Japan was definitely one to remember. We had some of the best ramen that the team ever had. 


     At night we were all very exhausted and very jet lagged. Many of us woke up four or five times in the middle of the night but in the end we were all rejuvenated from well needed rest. I am so excited to see what God has in store for the team. Before the trip started I honestly was not that excited and more worried about little things but being here for a day and half has definitely encouraged me. Seeing old faces and how excited they
 were to see us definitely radiated 
to the entire team. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'M NOT READY! we leave in 37 hours!

Feeling frantic, feeling flustered, feeling like I'm not ready, and I'm feeling like I'm forgetting something. There just doesn't seem to be enough time!
But I need to stop and let go! I need to calm myself and PRAY!
This is God's missions trip, so let God take control!

I pray that God would use us as His tools for His glory! That a team so..... unique, would unite as ONE because all of our hearts are directed towards the one and only God. 

Ready or not! Here we go!  AGAPE 2012~! woohoo!

May God's glory shine in Japan!

by Chie 

Monday, July 9, 2012

We've reached our goal!

We've reached our fundraising goal for the mission trip! Praise God!

This past Sunday, the team visited our sister church, East Bay Free Methodist Church, and shared about our upcoming trip. We were greatly encouraged and feel very blessed to have to support of so many people. Thank you very much!

East Bay FMC

Monday, July 2, 2012

Onigiri Fundraiser

Thank you so much to our church family who have supported us every week! We had a lot of fun making onigiri for our fundraiser on Sunday.

We have about four weeks to go before we leave, and less than $2,000 to raise!