Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Kessenuma Day 2 - Saturday

Saturday 8/4

Daylight shed a whole new light on the conditions of the city. 

First, Abe-san brought us to a dock where they were unloading fish caught on commerical fishing boats. Although the industry was slowly recovering, more than half the dock was still unusable after it, too, was washed away.

Next, we drove along the coastline where the town still sat baren. We saw Abe-san's old house and the neighborhoods that he once lived in. At the end of the peninsula, we stopped at a national park. We stood at the beach and could see and hear the waves crash onto the rocks. They were peaceful today, but just a glance at the devastated city beyond the beaches was the evidence of its violent power.

Finally, we drove to the now-famouse site where an ocean liner was carried in from the sea and dropped on top of houses. It showed me how much water must have flooded onto the city, and also the politics involved with rebuilding the city. Some people want to leave the ship there as a memorial, and other want it removed because it brings so much pain. 

It's going to be a long and painful time ahead of them, but it will be so much more difficult because most of the people there do not have the healing hand and comforting presence of God in their lives. I will be praying for the people in Kessenuma and across Japan so that they may know Him.


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